How much does shipping cost?

Once you add an item to cart and proceed to checkout, shipping is automatically added and will be seen in the order summary. Shipping costs of larger scale artworks are more expensive as they are shipped by couriers specialising in art packaging and delivery.

How long does shipping take?

In most cases your item will be posted as soon as possible but no later than 5-7 business days. Once mailed, delivery time will be 2-5 business days (within QLD) and 3-6 business days (Interstate).

Can i buy my artwork framed?

Only Edward Pope Design artworks with ‘frame included’ in description and seen in item images come framed. e.g Charcoal figures. We do not yet offer a framing service for oil on canvas artworks. Many clients prefer to see the work in their space before making a decision on framing size, colour and material.

What if my item delivered is damaged?

Please get in touch with us immediately if your artwork is damaged during transit. Depending on the amount of damage to your special piece, we will suggest returning to us, mailing instructions will be provided for repair.